Nothing can happen to me. Your lucky charm will see to that.
– Roy

- Myra: This hateful war.
- Roy: Yes I suppose it is. And yet there’s, I don’t know… a certain amount of excitement about it too. Around the corner of every second, the fascination of the unknown. We’re facing it this instant.
- Myra: Oh, We face the unknown in peace time, too.
- Roy: You’re rather matter-of-fact, aren’t you?
- Myra: Yes, you’re rather romantic, aren’t you?
一来一回,攻防窒息,短短几分钟树立了一个绅士浪漫的军官形象和一个独立现实的个性芭蕾舞演员形象。空袭警报解除后,Roy: ‘Never enjoyed a an air raid before. Shall we go now or wait for the next?’ 这种级别的撩妹水平放到现代也不会显得过时和油腻。
- Myra: What’s the good of it?
- Roy: You’re a strange girl, aren’t you? What’s the good of anything? What’s the good of living?
- Myra: That’s a question too.
- Roy: …… The wonderful living thing is that this sort of thing can happen. In the shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime, taking my life for granted.
- Myra: It’s a high price to pay for it. …… Do people have to kill each other to give them a heightened sense of life?
- Roy: That’s got nothing to do with people killing each other. Either you’re excited about life or you’re not. You know, I’ve never been able to wait for the future.
- ……Myra: You should let the future catch up with you more slowly.
- Roy: Still don’t get it. Not quite. …… Your face. It’s all youth, all beauty. …… I simply had to get to that theater tonight to see what you looked like.
- Myra: And do you think you’ll remember me now?
- Roy: I think so. I think so. For the rest of my life.
第一次约会时的那首传世经典:Auld Lang Syne.
- Roy: We’re going to be married. It’s you. It’ll never be anyone else.
- Myra: But how can you tell that?
- Roy: Now listen, darling. None of your quibbling, none of your questioning. None of your doubts. This is positive, you see? This is affirmative, you see? This is final, you see? You’re going to marry me, you see? (Roy若是个诗人想必是一流的)
- Myra: I see.
- ……
- Myra: It’s been so quick. Are you quite, quite sure?
- Roy: Myra, I was never so sure of anything in my life. In the moment you left me after the air raid, I knew I must find you again quickly. I’ve found you and I’ll never let you go. Does that answer you?(后来的剧情里,Roy一直坚守这个誓言。)
Myra在战争后失去工作,得知Roy意外战死的误报消息,为了生计不得不沦为娼妓(C’est la guerre.)。Roy从战场回来,意外发现火车站的Myra,大喊着向Myra跑去。Myra心中五味杂陈,说不出一句话,看着Roy只有眼泪。Roy理解为再次相见喜极而泣,Myra也在Kitty的鼓励下与Roy结婚。
- Roy: Darling, every once in a while, I see fear in your eyes. Why? Oh, life’s been hard for you, I know that. You’ve had to struggle and endure privation, but that’s all over now. You’re safe now. Don’t be afraid. You needn’t be ever again. I love you.
- Myra: I’m tired, darling.
- Roy: Yes, you look tired. Been a strenuous day for you.
- Myra: Yes.
- Roy: Good night, darling.
- Myra: Goodbye, darling.
- Roy: Why ‘goodbye’ when it’s only till morning?
- Myra: Because every parting from you is like a little eternity.
- Roy: That’s the way I feel too.
- Myra: Goodbye.
- Roy: Goodbye, little sentimentalist.
- 当Myra失去对生活的方向时,Kitty: I wanted to go on living. Heaven knows why, but I did, and so would you. We’re young and it’s good to live. Even the life I’m leading. Though, God knows it…
- 当Roy归来,Myra不知如何面对Roy时,Kitty: Guess there are no rules, Myra, for what you feel and what he feels. After all, if he’s mad enough about you, it may make up for everything. Well, try it. Go to him. (这是什么神仙闺蜜啊)
- Roy: You don’t need to say it. I understand.
- Kitty: Then where is she?
- Roy: She’s lost, Kitty. She’s escaped us. And I’ll always look for her. I’ll never find her.

– 维基百科